
How to wear a sarong - FREE download

How to wear a sarong - FREE download

There are so many uses for one simple rectangular piece of pure cotton.  If you are looking for ways to wear your sarong, or all of the different things you...

How to wear a sarong - FREE download

There are so many uses for one simple rectangular piece of pure cotton.  If you are looking for ways to wear your sarong, or all of the different things you...

Discovering "Kimisti" after 40 years

Discovering "Kimisti" after 40 years

In the late 70's when I was a kid, we were sailing around the Whitsunday Islands on our family yacht "Kimisti" which was named after myself and my sister Cristi....

Discovering "Kimisti" after 40 years

In the late 70's when I was a kid, we were sailing around the Whitsunday Islands on our family yacht "Kimisti" which was named after myself and my sister Cristi....

My visit to the Opera....

My visit to the Opera....

I was born an hour south of Sydney, and I have been on a whole lot of weird and wonderful adventures around the world.... but up until last weekend I...

My visit to the Opera....

I was born an hour south of Sydney, and I have been on a whole lot of weird and wonderful adventures around the world.... but up until last weekend I...

A sailing kid...

A sailing kid...

You don't often stop to think about how your childhood shapes the adult you become, but this week a post went live in our social media with this photo of...

A sailing kid...

You don't often stop to think about how your childhood shapes the adult you become, but this week a post went live in our social media with this photo of...